
Teach Her to Bloom

"If all girls were taught that they are born wild and free. That their mind, body and soul is in their own keep. That they have just one life and they must make it their own. That they need to walk their own path and don't need to be shown. That a cage isn't for them. They should be free like a bird. That they have a voice and a right to be heard. That other women aren't their enemy we're all in this together. That the walls that divide us will not last forever. That their one purpose in life is to grow wilder and bloom. That living a passionate life is the only way to defeat the doom and gloom. We would have an army of women, powerful and strong. An army of women to defeat all wrong. Let's teach our girls that they were born wild and free. Let's teach our girls the power of she. Women try to tame themselves as they get older but the women who feel and look the best are the ones who grow wilder." ~ Samantha Wilson

Achyutam Keshavam Bhajan Lyrics in English

Seeing all the Beauty in You

Of All That I Have Seen

New Friends, New Beginning !

Kiss Her Soul !

New Beginnings !

Return to your soul

Poetry - Thank You !!

Poetry - The Waking - Theodore Roethke

Lyrics - Free Spirit by Deva Premal and Miten

When You Believe
